What is Parkinson's?

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Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition that affects people from all walks of life. It is quite common, with approximately 219,000 Australians, and 57,000 Victorians living with Parkinson’s.

The average age of diagnosis is 65 years, however younger people can be diagnosed with Parkinson’s too. This is referred to as Young Onset Parkinson’s.

It is not easy to diagnose Parkinson’s. There are no laboratory tests (such as a blood test or brain scan), so it is important that the diagnosis is made by a specialist, such as a neurologist. The specialist will examine for any physical signs of Parkinson’s and take a detailed history of symptoms.

Key Statistics

  • More than 219,000 Australians have Parkinson's,
  • In Australia, more than 38 people are diagnosed with Parkinson’s every single day,
  • It's estimated that 57,000 Victorians are living with Parkinson's, and
  • Parkinson's is the second most common neurological condition seen in the community

Fight Parkinson's - Who We Are

As a leading organisation for Parkinson's, providing research, education and support, we are constantly working to realise possibilities for people living with Parkinson’s. Over the last 40 years, we have greatly improved quality of life for people living with Parkinson's, including Young Onset Parkinson’s, and Atypical Parkinson's (MSA, MSA and CBS).

At Fight Parkinson’s, (formerly known as Parkinson’s Victoria) our community is at the forefront of all we do. We believe that with strong sector coordination and leadership, and greater community and government support, we can realise better outcomes.

Our multi-disciplinary team provides specialist advice and support to people living with Parkinson's, their families, carers, and health care professionals through:

  • tailored health education programmes and seminars,
  • a free and confidential health information service,
  • comprehensive web-based information, and
  • an extensive peer support group network.

We are committed to raising funds to advance research that will deliver effective therapies, treatments, and a cure and empowering our community to live full and active lives until a cure is found.

Living with Parkinson’s as it progresses is a fight. Through our work, we fight to realise possibilities for people living with Parkinson’s. The foundation of Fight Parkinson’s lies in our collective choice to never give up.

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